About Liesl-Yvette

Originally trained as in Graphic Designer in Perth, Western Australia, Liesl decided very early on that design was not for her. She has since explored many different artistic styles and techniques from linear illustration to photo-realism.
Her early exhibitions consisted of works produced primarily in coloured pencil, utilising a unique technique of delicately embossed layers of pencil to create a smooth, stroke-less, almost photographic, image. Depicting predominately Australian wildlife, these photo-realistic images formed the basis of several successful solo exhibitions in Melbourne Australia, and were exhibited in Galleries accross her native Australia.
After relocating to London UK and suffering from acute tendinitis, Liesl temporarily left her realistic illustrative work to focus on story-boarding for various advertising firms, working on commercials and film promotion. She illustrated several humorous picture books before returning to portraiture, developing new techniques that would enable her to achieve the same level of detail she had previously enjoyed without the strain on her arm and hand.
Now primarily using Graphite (for those who always ask; yes, she can and does paint) she works into the grain of the paper, using a brush or tortillion to produce a smoothly graduated surface, and a quality that is almost photographic... almost, but not quite!
Liesl does not much like sitting still, and is always working on a project. In addition to accepting commissioned works, she produces quirky illustrated stories which can be viewed in full on her patreon page and can sometimes be purchased, if you watch her social media for updates.